After the preseason race at Autoclub last Wednesday. It didn’t take much time to notice that the top 10 were the usual suspects in the lineup. Thomas Wolfe taking the checkered flag seems like a fever dream some nights. One thing you can’t say is that he didn’t earn that victory. Starting in 28th and running all the way up to 1st is no small feat. Actually, looking deeper into the finish order, 5 of top 10 finishers didn’t even qualify in the top 20 (Saunders, Phillips, Cory Mott, Leach). No matter how they got up there by bullying or by diplomacy, we won’t find out about the repercussions till tonight at USA International Speedway.

- Cody Porter– Cody ran a limited schedule last year but now he is making his full-time appearance into the cup series. Many are saying he has the ability from what he showed last year to fight for the title at phoenix in November.
- Noah Hamilton– Noah showed us last week that he has the speed to be in the cup series by placing 4th in qualifying. The question now is can he put a whole race together and make a run for the playoffs that no one would see coming.


Tipton-Harding Motorsports: After Combining forces last season, Caleb “THE UBERMAN” Tipton and Stewart Harding-Walker have created a team that wants to become a powerhouse in the Majors Garage Cup Series. Stewart was asked How does he feel about the team as a whole going into the season? Do they expect all cars to get into the playoffs this season or have they set more realistic plans for the future?
Stewart: “Hard to say. we have a solid team for 2025 and are much more organized and prepared for this season, I put a lot of time into reorganizing our team to work out the issues from last season that held us back. I think there’s a good chance we have multiple playoff entries like last season but with such an unknown and strong field it’s honestly anyone’s guess as to who makes the cut.”

Lasty, we here at Crown Jewel Racing League want to say thank you to all of our fans, broadcaster, sponsors, drivers, and team owners for continuing to support this amazing community. Through the laughter, the beefs, the wins and the loses, you all continue to help us grow and create a community of diverse race fans! Good luck to all the drivers in the 2025 Majors Garage Cup Series!